Math facts

Kids MUST memorize their Times Tables

  Bet that caught your attention! And why shouldn't it?! Read to the end before you jump to conclusions. This is a complex, controversial and contentious statement. How is that for alliteration?  But what it isn't -is a finite statement.  Students need to be exposed to it all. Memorizing the Times Tables does not prevent… Continue reading Kids MUST memorize their Times Tables

#Mindful, Special Education

Thinking about the Impossible

How long can you hold your breath underwater? One minute at the most with lots of practice and do-overs. All you need is practice and encouragement. Sometimes others have a hard time believing that we can do things unexpectedly. She can read? How did that happen? He is writing! I thought he'd never be able… Continue reading Thinking about the Impossible


The Joys of Padlet

Want your students to become more engaged in their writing? Have your students write their thoughts and ideas in Padlet. Padlet is like a virtual smartboard or wall. Students and teachers can express themselves in real-time on through the use of a mobile device or computer. Put up a prompt, give them a visual as… Continue reading The Joys of Padlet